Welsch poppy - translation to ρωσικά
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Welsch poppy - translation to ρωσικά

Red poppy; Corn Poppy; Common Poppy; Red poppy syrup; Flanders Poppy; Field Poppy; Poppy, Flanders; Poppy, Field; Corn poppy; Papaver rhœas; Flanders poppy; Common poppy; Field poppy
  • Capsules
  • The three stages in a common poppy flower: bud, flower, and capsule

Welsch poppy      

общая лексика

меконопсис кумберлендский (Meconopsis cambrica)

field poppy         

общая лексика


мачок (Papaver rhoeas)

corn poppy         



мак-самосейка (Papaver rhoeas)


Смотрите также

field poppy


¦ noun a plant having showy flowers, typically red or yellow, and rounded seed capsules. [Papaver rhoeas (corn poppy) and other species.]
poppied adjective
OE popig, pap?g, from a med. L. alt. of L. papaver.
¦ adjective (poppier, poppiest) (of popular music) tuneful and immediately appealing.


Papaver rhoeas

Papaver rhoeas, with common names including common poppy, corn poppy, corn rose, field poppy, Flanders poppy, and red poppy, is an annual herbaceous species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae. It is a temperate native with a very wide distribution area, from Africa to temperate and tropical Asia and Europe.

It is regarded as an agricultural weed (hence the common names including "corn" and "field"). As the plant thrives in areas of disturbed soil, it was often abundant in agricultural fields before the advent of herbicides. Flushes of poppies may still appear in fields where herbicides are not used, as well as those in fallow. The corn poppy and its cultivars such as the Shirley poppy are widely grown in gardens, and are frequently found in packets of seed labelled "wildflower mixes". Since World War I, it has been used in the Commonwealth as a symbol of remembrance for fallen soldiers.

Μετάφραση του &#39Welsch poppy&#39 σε Ρωσικά